
Digital Dementia

It is 21st century but honestly I personally think our lives are being lived. Why say so? Take a keen look around yourself right now. How many people are scrolling through their phones right now? Do you have any idea what they looking for? Or wait a second, do you see what am seeing? Exactly, Most people use their phones or social accounts as escapes from reality. It gives them those bursts of instant enjoyment. Short videos which provide enjoyment is what most people are addicted to. Individuals do not want to face reality since reality can be cruel at times. You have bills to pay, debts to pay, food, clothing and so many other things to cater for. It can be difficult in situations whereby employment is hard to find and also those employed are not guaranteed if tomorrow they will have a job. It's tough but honestly, digital escape with short bursts of joy through videos and memes is not the right way to go about the situation. Addiction to this form of distraction can be very un...

Take on AI

The evolution of technology is something to worry about. This field grows each second the clock ticks with introduction of new inventions like machine learning in artificial intelligence. AI can be fascinating to many but when you take a keen look deep down you may realize that it's not interesting as it looks. Introduction of robots to assist humans in daily activity is a beautiful idea but what will happen when the same robots become more intelligent and turn against humans. The world will be full of chaos and a bet you forget about first and second world wars cause this will be war against machines created by humans. The problem with machines never get tired and that makes me think that this will be the end of humanity.

Future Smart Life

Future homes will be a lil bit different interms of technology and new innovations from researchers and Scientists. There is intensive tech development with intelligence and cognitive thinking in place. This leads to development of devices that are much more realiable and can reason and think just like human beings. Such inventions and innovation will make future lifestyle to be different from current lifestyle. This is because most work will be done ny machines either by developed rational agents like robots and soft bots.